Zum 1000sten Blogeintrag habe ich was zahlenverwandtes abgeschrieben, aus How to compress the snare drum and the kick drum:

>>A while ago an experiment was carried out where a snare drum was recorded and the recording played back through a PA system. The sound of both the drum itself and the PA were fed to an audio analyzer. Apparently, to reproduce the sound of the drum accurately and maintain the transient (the initial strike) properly, it took 1000 watts of amplifier power.<<

2 Antworten to “1000”

  1. TobiH Says:

    Was wäre nur das Watt ohne Wirkungsgrad… 😉 Was natürlich nicht die Aussage anzweifelt sondern nur in Erinnerung rufen soll, dass ein Watt nicht alles ist, wenn es darum geht, Dezibel zu reproduzieren…

  2. 3000! | E-BEATS Says:

    […] Weiterfeiern: 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 10 […]

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